Archivo mensual: abril 2013

Diamond Shows Promise for a Quantum Internet

Physicists have taken a step toward a quantum Internet constructed from diamond crystals by entangling data stored in diamond pieces three meters apart so that measuring the state of one quantum bit (qubit) instantaneously fixes the state of the other. … Seguir leyendo

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Programmer creates lexicographic ordering code to play early Nintendo games

Computer scientist Tom Murphy has developed software that can play old Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) video games. Murphy’s code examines the contents of memory chips inside the NES game console and uses that information to teach itself how to play. … Seguir leyendo

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Data Science: The Numbers of Our Lives

The rise of big data over the past few years has motivated universities to offer programs to prepare students to be the data scientists of the future. For example, this fall Columbia University will offer new master’s and certificate programs … Seguir leyendo

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UC San Diego Computer Scientists Teach How to Program with Video Games

University of California, San Diego (UCSD) researchers have developed CodeSpells, an immersive, first-person player video game designed to teach students how to program in Java. The researchers tested the game on a group of 40 girls, ages 10 to 12, … Seguir leyendo

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Obama to Unveil Initiative to Map the Human Brain

President Barack Obama is launching the Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) research initiative, which aims to record and map brain circuits to advance neuroscience and improve treatments for Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, and traumatic brain injuries. The Obama administration … Seguir leyendo

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Robot ants successfully mimic real colony behavior

Robotic ants have replicated the movement of individual ants from their nests to different food sources. Researchers at the New Jersey Institute of Technology and the Research Center on Animal Cognition used a swarm of sugar cube-sized robots that could … Seguir leyendo

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