Archivo mensual: febrero 2018

Researchers harness brain waves to reconstruct images of what we perceive

Neuroscientists at the University of Toronto Scarborough (U of T Scarborough) have for the first time digitally reconstructed images of what people perceive based on brain waves recorded via electroencephalogram (EEG). «When we see something, our brain creates a mental … Seguir leyendo

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Physicists create new form of light

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, and elsewhere have demonstrated the successful interaction of photons, which could clear a path toward using light particles in quantum computing. Their controlled experiments showed that when shining a weak laser … Seguir leyendo

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Universities Rush to Roll Out Computer Science Ethics Courses

U.S. universities are starting to offer ethics courses relating to computer science, with the hope of training next-generation technologists and policymakers to weigh the social and moral ramifications of innovations before they are commercialized. One factor driving this trend is … Seguir leyendo

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Centre for Machine Intelligence launched to help build a smarter and safer society

The University of Southampton in the U.K. recently launched the Center for Machine Intelligence (CMI), bringing together researchers and practitioners in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and autonomous systems to develop a coherent approach to research and technology transfer. Discussions at … Seguir leyendo

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