Archivo mensual: enero 2015

How Can We Protect Our Information in the Era of Cloud Computing?

University of Cambridge researchers believe private information would be much more secure if individuals moved away from cloud-based storage and toward peer-to-peer systems, in which data is stored in a variety of ways and across a variety of sites. Although … Seguir leyendo

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Obama Calls for New Laws to Bolster Cybersecurity

President Barack Obama on Tuesday called on Congress to pass broad legislation designed to bolster cybersecurity across both the government and private sectors. The proposed legislation would increase penalties and prosecutions of certain cybercrimes and try to incentivize private companies … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en Ciencia y programación | Deja un comentario

Simple Pictures That State-of-the-Art AI Still Can’t Recognize

University of Wyoming researchers recently conducted a study to discover if state-of-the-art image-recognizing neural networks were susceptible to false positives. The researchers tested the networks by generating random imagery using evolutionary algorithms. The algorithms would produce an image and then … Seguir leyendo

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