Archivo mensual: julio 2022

BCI Startup Implants First Device in U.S. Patient

Brain-computer interface (BCI) startup Synchron implanted a wire-electrode combination in the brain of a U.S. patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, attempting to enable the patient to perform thought-powered Web surfing, email, and texting. A catheter is used to insert the … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en TIC: Nuevas tecnologías y aplicaciones | Deja un comentario

Robot Dog Learns to Walk in One Hour

Researchers at Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) built a four-legged, dog-sized robot to study how newborn animals learn to walk. The robot, named Morti, learned to walk in one hour with the help of a Bayesian optimization … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en TIC: Nuevas tecnologías y aplicaciones | Deja un comentario

A Robot Learns to Imagine Itself

Columbia Engineering researchers have created a robot that can learn a model of its body without human intervention. The robot produced a kinematic model of itself to plan motion, achieve goals, avoid obstacles, and identify and compensate for bodily damage. … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en TIC: Nuevas tecnologías y aplicaciones | Deja un comentario

Teaching AI to Ask Clinical Questions

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) scientists and medical experts have compiled a dataset of 2,000-plus questions physicians ask when reviewing electronic health records (EHRs). A machine learning (ML) model trained on this dataset asked authentic questions, versus actual questions from … Seguir leyendo

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