Rapid Covid-19 Test the Result of University-Industry Partnership

Researchers at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) have developed a rapid Covid-19 test that combines mass spectrometry with robotics and an automated machine learning platform to detect SARS-CoV-2 in nasal swabs. The test, which takes about 20 minutes, was found to be 98.3% accurate for positive tests and 96% for negative tests, matching or outperforming many existing Covid-19 screening tests. The researchers used a mass spectrometer from Shimadzu Scientific Instruments to ionize 226 nasal swabs, and the hundreds of peaks and signals produced by the ionized particles were analyzed by the automated machine learning platform MILO (Machine Intelligence Learning Optimizer) to detect patterns that correspond to the presence or absence of the virus in the samples. SpectraPass, a startup launched by Allegiant Travel Company’s Maurice J. Gallagher, Jr., a UC Davis alumnus, will produce the testing system.

More info hera: UC Davis Health

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